15 November 2010

A Bad Day!

I wanna shout as loud as I caaaann~~
You know why? You know why hahh?!?!
Cause I really really hate this day!
Kyou wa tottemo daikkirai!!!!!!!

Do you wanna know what thing I do this day hah?!
Today, after the class is over, I make a report of the bassic training of OSIS with my friend...
And I'm really frustated about that report, since I must write all the price of the thing that I bought for the bassic training of OSIS.....  Fortunately, Fatma helps me...
She says that she would continue that report which I have made..
I'm really thank to her you know!

That time, I think I can settle down because I can solve that report..

That isn't the last problem that I have today!
Cause, there is....umm...what is it called? I think it's a big disaster for me about the english course...
Because.... When I arrive at LIA, where I attend the english course, I ask my friend what will we do today in our class...
Then....guess what he says!?
He says, "Today we'll continue the presentasion"
"Yes", he answers.
"But.....this morning vania said to me that the presentasion is canceled.... then she said that today we'll have periodic test", I don't believe what my friend said you know...
"Oh yes, we have a periodic test today, but beside that we also continue the presentasion", he answers calmly.
"HAH!! What should I do?? I haven't prepare the text.... oh, somebody please help me~"
I can't do anything about the brochure that I have to present, cause I haven't much time, and I also don't prepare for the periodic test yet... Akkkkhhhh!!!! I'm really confused you know... I only can surrender everything to God...

After I pass the periodic test and also the presentasion,,
 'Hahhhh~ what a bad day today! I'm really hate the presentasion! It's embarrasing!'

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